Can You Get Into Other Common Rooms Hogwarts Legacy

How To Glitch Into Other Common Rooms In Hogwarts Legacy

Can You Get Into Other Common Rooms in Hogwarts Legacy?

One of the most iconic features of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is its four common rooms, each one unique to a different house. Gryffindor’s common room is warm and inviting, with cozy armchairs and a roaring fireplace. Hufflepuff’s common room is nestled underground, surrounded by barrels of food and drink. Ravenclaw’s common room is perched high in a tower, with stunning views of the surrounding mountains. And Slytherin’s common room is located in the dungeons, with dark green walls and flickering candles.

As a student at Hogwarts, you will be sorted into one of these four houses, and your common room will become your home away from home. But what if you want to visit the common rooms of the other houses? Is it possible to sneak into them, or are they strictly off-limits to outsiders?

Common Room Restricted Access and Exceptions

The common rooms at Hogwarts are generally off-limits to students from other houses. This is to ensure that each house has its own private space where they can relax and socialize. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule.

  1. Prefects have the authority to allow students from other houses to visit their common room. This is usually done for special occasions, such as parties or study sessions.
  2. Students who are members of the Slug Club, a group of students who are particularly interested in potions, are allowed to visit the Slytherin common room.
  3. Students who are taking a class in a different house’s common room are allowed to enter that common room for the duration of the class.

If you are not a prefect, a member of the Slug Club, or taking a class in a different house’s common room, then sneaking into another common room could have serious consequences.

In most cases, you will be caught and punished by the Head of House. This could mean losing house points, being given detention, or even being expelled from Hogwarts.

Tips for Visiting Other Common Rooms

If you are really determined to visit another common room, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success.

  • Be stealthy. The common rooms are usually well-guarded, so you will need to be very careful when trying to sneak in. Avoid making any noise, and be aware of your surroundings.
  • Be polite. If you are caught, be polite and respectful. Explain that you were just curious and that you didn’t mean to cause any trouble.

Even if you are able to sneak into another common room, it is important to remember that you are not a guest. Be respectful of the space and its occupants, and leave as soon as you are finished.

Can You Get Into Other Common Rooms in Hogwarts Legacy?

The short answer is no, you cannot get into other common rooms in Hogwarts Legacy. The developers have confirmed that each common room is exclusive to its respective house, and there is no way to bypass this restriction.

This is a bit disappointing, but it makes sense from a gameplay perspective. The common rooms are supposed to be safe spaces for students, and allowing players to enter other common rooms would ruin that sense of safety.


Q: Can I sneak into other common rooms in Hogwarts Legacy?

A: No, you cannot sneak into other common rooms in Hogwarts Legacy.

Q: What happens if I am caught trying to sneak into another common room?

A: If you are caught trying to sneak into another common room, you will be punished by the Head of House.

Q: Is there any way to get into other common rooms without sneaking?

A: No, there is no way to get into other common rooms without sneaking.


The common rooms at Hogwarts are iconic locations that are steeped in history and tradition. While it would be fun to be able to visit the common rooms of other houses, it is important to remember that they are private spaces for students.

If you are ever curious about what the other common rooms are like, you can always ask a friend from another house to show you around. But be sure to respect their space and leave when you are finished.

I hope this article has been helpful. If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Are you interested in learning more about Hogwarts Legacy? Check out my other articles on the topic:

How To Glitch Into Other Common Rooms In Hogwarts Legacy

How To Glitch Into Other Common Rooms In Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy ending explained | good, evil & true end spoilers | Radio Times Feb 14, 2023Getting into the other common rooms involves using the same glitch but flying to different locations, and if you follow the instructions in the videos carefully, you shouldn’t have much problem

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